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FSB Business and Product innovation award 2023 north east winners

Trusted by the world’s leading companies for electrification solutions

Voltsport doesn’t stop at just supplying innovative market-leading products. Customers keep coming back to Voltsport because we offer world-class application support to ensure our customers get the most out of our products. Working closely with our customers we often understand and have already experienced the challenges you face in implementing electrification technology. Here are some of the solutions we have helped deliver to our customers.
Get a quote for component supply today
Use our quotation system to help get the conversation started with us about your electrification needs. We can supply small or large volume for effective prototyping and serial production for your application.
Vehicle troubles?
Getting the perfect setup need not be difficult when contacting us to setup or assist you in tuning ypur application. We are the UK experts with Sevcon motor controllers and a deep level of experience with realistic integration.
I am international, can you still help?
We can support UK and internationally, please contact us for more information.

What people say about us:

We've been helping teams, hobbyists and businesses convert to electric since 2015 and here's what they have to say about us...
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